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Gain insights into TCR's diverse expertise across industries. Download our case studies and reports to see how TCR delivers unprecedented value through innovation and experience.

We welcome you to visit our over 10,000 sq. feet laboratory in Navi Mumbai and meet our team members. We are a group of passionate metallurgists, scientific researchers for corrosion studies, fracture mechanic experts, former plant and industry veterans, API qualified, NDT Level III's and committed lab and NDT technicians.

TCR Brochures & Presentations

Access TCR’s brochures and presentations to explore the complete range of services we provide across testing, inspection, third-party audits, advisory, and manpower solutions.

TCR Engineering, on-time materials testing lab results reporting

Company Profile

TCR's complete range of services across testing, inspection, third-party audits, advisory, and manpower solutions.

TCR Flyer on services

TCR Flyer - Services Range

TCR specializes in providing top-notch materials testing, non-destructive testing (NDT) services, and comprehensive asset integrity solutions. 

Material Metallurgical Integrity for Bombay Metal Exchange

TCR and BME For Metal Traders

TCR supports the metal market traders in Mumbai and has an active relationship with Bombay Metal Exchange (BME).

TCR Engineering Profile
TCR Engineering  Presentation

TCR Service-Specific Brochures

Materials Testing and NDT

​Welding Inspection and Technical Services

TCR undertakes expert welding technical services, including the preparation of PQRs, WPSs, and comprehensive NDT and mechanical testing of welds.


High-Temperature Hydrogen Attack

Learn about TCR’s advanced procedures for detecting high-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) using backscatter ultrasonic testing techniques.


SEM - EDAX Microstructure

SEM-EDAX (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis) for microstructure analysis provides high-resolution imaging and detailed elemental composition data at the microscale. This allows for precise identification of material phases, defects, and inclusions in metals, alloys, and other materials. SEM-EDAX is crucial for understanding material properties, improving quality control, and guiding failure analysis. TCR has 3 SEM's in their laboratory.


Internal Oxide Scale

Assess the thickness of oxide layers formed on the internal surfaces of tubes, allowing for accurate prediction of tube lifespan and performance. This process helps in identifying overheating issues, preventing tube failures, and optimizing maintenance schedules, ultimately improving boiler efficiency and reducing operational costs.


Videoscopy Service

TCR provides advanced videoscopy services for detailed inspection of critical components. Discover how videoscopy can help industries monitor equipment health and prevent failures.​​​​​​​

Asset Integrity Engineering Consulting

Asset Integrity Management 
Outlining the ability of an asset to perform its intended function effectively and efficiently while protecting health, safety and the environment over the whole life cycle of an asset.


Fitness for Service: Using NDT and Inspection

Fitness for Service (FFS) assessments employ quantitative engineering analysis to evaluate the structural integrity of in-service components. Learn how NDT and inspection techniques support these assessments.


​Root Cause Failure Investigation
Explore TCR’s extensive knowledge in failure analysis, built over five decades of expertise in metallurgy and corrosion. TCR has conducted thousands of root cause investigations across industries including petrochemicals, refineries, oil exploration, chemicals, power, and transportation.


​Boiler Tube Failure Investigation
This infographic offers solutions for minimizing forced outages and preventing chemistry-related failures in boiler tubes.


Root Cause Failure Investigation and Remaining Life Assessment of Reformer Tubes
This in-depth white paper explains TCR’s approach to root cause failure investigations and remaining life assessments of reformer tubes.


In-Situ Metallography - Replica Testing

Replica Testing is an effective tool for condition and life assessment of process plant components


Replica Microstructure Guidelines
This poster outlines the guidelines for replica microstructure analysis, a vital tool for assessing the condition and life expectancy of process plant components. Learn more about the use of this technique for preventive maintenance and structural integrity evaluations.


Structural Audit - Civil Services
TCR undertakes comprehensive structural audit services to assess the safety, stability, and integrity of buildings.


Manpower Supply and Turnaround Assistance Services
TCR’s manpower services offer recruitment, staff augmentation, and executive search solutions tailored to industry needs. Discover how TCR supports turnaround projects with experienced manpower.


Finite Element Analysis
TCR performs Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to simulate real-world stress conditions on designs, predicting structural responses to ensure safety and performance.​

Plant Related Training

Evolve by TCR - Training
Evolve by TCR 

Industry Certifications & Compliance

NABL ISO 17025 certificate

NABL - ISO 17025

Complete scope of TCR's accreditation standard provided by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), based on ISO/IEC 17025. This standard accredited to ISO 17025 demonstrates TCR lab in Mumbai, India the ability to produce accurate and reliable testing and calibration results, ensuring technical proficiency and adherence to international standards. This accreditation is critical for ensuring the validity and consistency of test results.

BIS, Bureau of Indian Standards
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Approval


TCR has the ILAC MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement) mark and is recognized under the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement. This mark signifies that the results, certificates, and reports issued by TCR Engineering is internationally accepted and meets the highest standards of technical competence, compling with international requirements.

materials testing, ndt services
ISO 45001-2018, TCR Engineering

ISO 45001

TCR adheres to the ISO 45001 standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS). TCR aims to proactively improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks, and create safer working conditions. 

IBR Maharashtra - Renewal upto 31st Dec 2023.png

Pipeline Asset Integrity & Radiography

BARC Approval
NSE Empanelment
IOCL Approval
materials testing, ndt services
Mecon Approval
Corrtech DUPL Appreciation, RT Services, NDT
Corrtech DUPL Appreciation

Client Approvals - India

bombay metal exchange
Bombay Metal Exchange
materials testing, ndt services
materials testing, ndt services
BHEL lab approval, TCR Engineering
BHEL Lab Approval
materials testing, ndt services
BSE-ICCL Approval
materials testing, ndt services
materials testing, ndt services
ONGC Approval
IBR approval, steam boiler, TCR Engineering lab
IBR-Directorate of Steam Boilers Lab Approval
materials testing, ndt services
NSE Empanelment
materials testing, ndt services
L&T – Mumbai Metro
PDIL Approval
Mukund Ltd.
materials testing, ndt services
Tata Steel
materials testing, ndt services
Mumbai Coastal
Road Project
materials testing, ndt services
Jindal Saw
CIDCO Approval

Client Approvals - International

Saudi Aramco, approval, TCR Arabia, TCR Enginering
Saudi Aramco
Sabic Approved
materials testing lab in India
LGC Standards/ MBH (UK)
KNPC approval, Kuwait
KNPC (Kuwait)
Customer Appreciation
Omifco (Oman)
Qatar Gas approval
Qatar Gas
Ministry of Oil (Iraq)
GE Appreciation
GE (Kuwait)
PDO Oman, approval, materials testing, corrosion
PDO (Oman)
Alfa Laval (Sweden)
MEW (Kuwait)


NACE award, best lab india, materials testing, sour gas corrosion, hic, sscc
"Excellent Laboratory in Private Sector” by NACE
GST appreciation, india finance ministry
Govt. of India Certificate of Appreciation (GST)
ISRO award, ASLV, aerospace materials testing
Award by India’s Space Research Org (ISRO)
GST appreciation, india finance ministry
Appreciation by Ministry of Finance (India)

Appreciation Letters

Tata Power Appreciation Letter
Tata Power
MTAR, defense, fatigue, material testing lab, appreciation
Standard Kessel, ndt services, rla, boiler inspection, india
StandardKessel Baumgarte (Germany)
Emerson, Virgo, Appreciation, materials testing lab, india
Godrej, fracture toughness, defense, appreciation, tcr engineering lab
Rustomjee, Infrastructure, Construction testing, appreciation. TCR Engineering

MSME & GST Related

Udyam Registration Certificate, TCR Engineering
Udyam Registration (MSME)
TCR Mumbai GST
TCR Odisha GST
Bombay Chamber of Commerce Registeration
Bombay Chamber of Commerce Registration


Sample Size Requirements
TCR Sample Size Requirements
HSE Policy
TCR HSE Policy
TCR Testing Terms & Conditions
TCR Testing Terms
JV & Franchise
TCR JV and Franchise Policy
Sample Collection Centers
TCR Sample Collection Center
TCR Legal Disclaimer
TCR Legal Disclaimer

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To view and download everything about TCR Engineering, open this section on Desktop/Laptop. You can access Company Profile and Presentation, Quality Standards, Pipeline Asset Integrity & RT, Client Approval - India & International, Awards, Appreciation Letters, Books and White papers, News and Media, Career Enhancement and Training Programs and Financials & Govt. Administrative

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